Sunday, September 7, 2014

Mollie Makes U.S. Edition Magazine, Part 2

As if I wasn't over the moon enough to be featured in the Mollie Makes Maker Faire article in the August issue, they decided to do a little profile on me in their October issue#5!

Really grateful and honored. Thanks Mollie Makes! Here it is:

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Mollie Makes U.S. Edition Magazine!

Mollie Makes magazine has been one of my absolute favorites since I discovered it a few years ago. Since it's a UK magazine, I only purchased a few as they were quite costly here in the States. But, oh, how I wanted a subscription (over $100 a year if you live in the U.S.)!

Then this last May, I was at my San Francisco Bazaar (formerly called the Bazaar Bizarre) booth at the Maker Faire Bay Area, when a lovely lady named Jann Jones introduced herself. She's the craft editor for the new Mollie Makes U.S. Edition!!! I was so excited that finally we were to have our own version of the magazine. I subscribed immediately ($25 a year for 12 issues, yay)!

And then I got even more excited. I found out that I would be featured in their article about the Maker Faire in August, Issue #3. Thanks Mollie Makes US!

Here's a few pictures from the article:
Those are my flower lariats, deer necklace and plush dolls in the bottom right pictures.

There's me in my gnome hat!