This company has amazing mobiles. I wish I had more rooms and more space so I could hang a bunch of them, but I might have to find a home for this one.
I just had to share this. I was looking online to replace a bowl that had broken from my dinnerware set (I know, how domestic of me) when I came across these plates. I'm thinking I might have to get them! I saw them online here.
Skooky Jack is the nickname my uncle Terry and my late grandma gave me when I was a little kid. When I asked them how I got that name, neither of them could remember. But it still sticks!
My name is Katy Kristin.
My hero is Pippi Longstocking.
Even though I collect too much stuff for my own good, I'm inspired to create still more stuff: whimsical dolls and plushies, art, jewelry, clothes and more.
I think I believe in Bigfoot, but I only kinda think I believe in Nessie.
Someday I hope to live in a treehouse - a BIG treehouse.